
RMRubert's Blog

How to remove silence at start and end of songs in your music collection

After failing to remove the songs's silences only from the start or the end with FFmpeg, I ended up using an open-source tool (mp3splt-gtk) to achieve this. It did not have a particular good default settings for this purpose but it ended up doing a perfect job.

Making my first game (another Pong) in Python.

Thanks to the power of Python and the open-source library Pyxel I have managed to make my very first game, a Pong game. Pyxel is a library that helps to make retro-like games. The path was no bed of roses but the game is 100% playable, and you can play in your browser.

Repurposing an old Pinnacle TV capture card

As an analogue video-capturing device. In this post, I explain how to make an old tv Pinnacle capture card (chipset Bt848) work in a modern Windows 10 x64 pro. Using a modded version of DScaler, we can use either the composite or S-video entrance to capture analogue video signals such as the PSone.

Use of Jupyter notebooks on ArcGIS pro to display flood results

Yet another post about how to optimise the workflow of plotting hydraulic results using GIS software. This time I will use the Jupyter notebook function inside of ArcGIS.

A script to automatize the plot of several rasters in the same Q-GIS layout

I present MultiLayout. A still (little bit) clunky Q-GIS workspace and a python script that would help you at plotting the results of hydraulic simulations.

An analysis of the effects of panel markers on a cross-section's conveyance curve

In this article, I present the effects of panelling a 1D cross-section. Panelling is the terminology used by the software Flood Modellerâ„¢ to divide the cross-section's hydraulic properties (mostly the hydraulic radius) into a sum of them. The article contains a theory introduction about Manning's n formula and 5 cross-sections are analysed with different panelling scenarios.

Linear and bilinear interpolation in Excel

An excel template to search in a table of values for certain item, and if it doesn't exist, then performs a linear intepolation between the 2 closest values.

Tic Tac Toe in Fortran90

In this post, I analyse the first comprehensive program I have ever created: A Tic-Tac-Toe game designed in Fortran90 to play against the computer! And the challenges that I had to face to make it work.

How to classify your music collection by genre. The Ricardo approach.

I have tried to classify my music library by Genre. After several trials and errors with different software, I surrendered and went manual. You will read the problem I encountered, my initial approach and how I used R and API to help me circumscribing the multiple options.

Games in Excel/VBA 2048 and minesweeper

I made the game 2048 and Mine-Sweeper in Excel/VBA to self-teach Excel coding. The code is not optimal but they do work!

UK map

Just a drawing of the Great Britain island in the style of Tolkyen.

Notepad++ theme (Solarized Dark) version for tuflow, FM and markdown files.

User-defined files for Notepad++ that colourise Tuflow configuration files (tcf, tgc, tbc, tmf, ecf, tlf...), Flood Modeller simulation files (ief) and markdown (md) files with the Solarized Dark colour scheme.

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RMRubert’s Blog